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ELAP - Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program


A Comissão de Relações Internacionais da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo divulga a oportunidade abaixo aos possíveis interessados.

Encontram-se abertas as inscrições para o ELAP - Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program.

Promovido pelo Governo do Canadá, o programa oferece bolsas de estudos para estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado) da América Latina e do Caribe realizarem intercâmbio em universidades do Canadá.

Cada instituição canadense participante possui seus requisitos e períodos de inscrição. 

As universidades canadenses que possuem acordo de cooperação com a EERP podem ser conferidas em: http://www.eerp.usp.br/international-relarions-instituicoes-conveniadas/ 
E com a USP em: https://internationaloffice.usp.br/index.php/convenios/instituicoes-conveniadas/

Para aplicações no âmbito da pós-graduação, um acordo de cooperação é desejável, porém não obrigatório, sendo possível a aplicação do estudante em instituições não conveniadas à USP.

Os candidatos deverão enviar a documentação abaixo para o email crint@eerp.usp.br:
  • Proof of citizenship
    • A copy of the candidate's passport or national identity card with a photo and valid dates
    • Documents not accepted as proof of citizenship are: driver’s license, permanent residence card, work permit, student card, health card, birth certificate or baptismal certificate
    • Proof of citizenship selected must be from the same country/territory as the citizenship selected in the online application form
  • Letter of intent from the candidate (maximum one page)
    • Explains the nature of studies or research to be undertaken
    • Provides rationale for study in Canada and for the choice of institution, program and supervisor and how the proposed program of study or research will relate to their future career
  • Letter of proof of full-time enrolment from the home institution
    • On official letterhead
    • Dated within the last six months
    • Confirms that the candidate is currently enrolled in a full-time program
    • Copies of transcripts, a student card or a letter of admission are not acceptable
  • Letter of support from the home institution (maximum one page)
    • On official letterhead
    • Dated within the last six months
    • From the candidate's instructor, professor or international director
    • Explains the nature of study or research to be undertaken in Canada and how the candidate and the home institution will benefit from this scholarship program
  • Letter of invitation from the Canadian supervisor (graduate students only, maximum one page)
    • On official letterhead
    • Dated within the last six months
    • Signed by the Canadian supervisor
    • Describes the nature and scope of the research collaboration with the student’s home institution
    • Confirms their willingness to support and mentor the candidate during the exchange period
    • Explains how the Canadian institution, supervisor and peers will benefit from the exchange
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