The Nursing Now campaign is a program of the Burdett Trust for Nursing in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) aimed at maximizing by the end of 2020, the contribution of Nursing to the health challenges of the 21st century.
In Brazil, Nursing corresponds to 60% of the health workforce. Currently, there are 2,141,883 professionals, including nurses, nursing technicians, nursing assistants and midwives. The launch of the Nursing Now Brazil - Enhancement of Nursing is the result of an agreement signed between the Federal Council of Nursing (COFEn), the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Research Development of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing and The Burdett Trust for Nursing, globally responsible for the Nursing Now Campaign. Through this agreement, commitments and responsibilities that demand local, regional and national actions, led by the signatory institutions, were made.
In accordance with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030, the Strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery services 2016–2020, the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health 2030, the recommendations of the High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth and the guidelines of the Nursing Now Campaign, the Nursing Now Brazil aims to raise the contribution of nursing professionals in guaranteeing and promoting access to health care. In order to achieve this objective, the following goals are established:
Goal 1. Invest in strengthening the education and development of nursing professionals with a focus on leadership.
Goal 2. Invest in improving the working conditions of nursing professionals.
Goal 3. Disseminate effective and innovative nursing practice based on scientific evidence, nationally and regionally.
The social commitment to achieve these goals involves the integration among distinct subjects, especially nursing professionals, employers’ organizations, professional organizations, governments and the community. Therefore, it is proposed the articulation between local initiatives and regional representations, through the discussion, approval and follow-up of action plans, agreed with the Nursing Now Brazil Campaign Working Group and regularly presented to the Executive Board of the Nursing Now Global Campaign.
Historically, nursing professionals have faced deep challenges to strengthen their position and voice, especially in the political arena. This campaign is an unparalleled opportunity to recognize the central role of Nursing and the actions of nursing professionals in favor of people's health and the effective functioning of health systems and services and consequently social development in Brazil.
At this national ceremony, held in Brasília, Federal District of Brazil, at the FIOCRUZ Auditorium, on April 24, 2019, the representatives of the 26 States and the Federal District, in person or virtually, affirm their commitment to meeting the goals presented here.
Brasília, DF, Brazil
April 24, 2019