Psychiatric Nursing »
Lines of Research

  • General information
    • Coordinator
      Profa.Dra. Luciane Sá de Andrade
    • Vice-Coordenadora
      Profa.Dra. Adriana Inocenti Miasso
    • Secretária
      Adriana Borela Bortoletti Arantes
    • Telephone
      +55 16 3315 3456
    • E-mail

1 ) Psychiatric Nursing: policies, knowledge and practices

Studies on public policy and the Psychiatric Reform movement; therapeutic practices in mental health; interpersonal relationship; psychosocial rehabilitation of people with mental disorders and understanding the meanings of psychological suffering.

Accredited Advisors:

Profa.Dra. Ana Carolina G. Zanetti

Profa.Dra. Antonia Regina Ferreira Furegato

Profa.Dra. Adriana Inocenti Miasso

Profa.Dra. Kelly Graziani Giacchero Vedana

Prof.Dr. Luiz Jorge Pedrão

Profa.Dra. Regina Célia Fiorati

Profa.Dra. Sueli Aparecida Frari Galera


2) Mental Health Promotion

Research on mental health promotion to people in vulnerable situations; stress, work, leisure and quality of life; mental health at different stages of human development.

Accredited Advisors:

Profa.Dra. Edilaine Cristina da Silva G. Donato

Profa.Dra. Jacqueline de Souza

Profa.Dra. Lucilene Cardoso

Profa.Dra. Maria Olivia Barboza Zanetti

Profa.Dra. Patricia Leila dos Santos

Prof.Dr. Ricardo Lacchini

Profa.Dra. Zeyne Alves Pires Scherer


3) Human Sciences and the Promotion of Healthcare

This line of research prioritizes the contributions of human sciences in their interfaces with the fields of health and nursing, highlighting the diversities and theoretical and methodological particularities of the social sciences, human rights, education, philosophy, psychology and the history of nursing and health to understanding the promotion of healthcare.

Accredited Advisors:

Profa.Dra. Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura

Prof.Dr. Fábio Scorsolini-Comin

Prof.Dr. Lucas Pereira de Melo

Profa.Dra. Luciana Barizon Luchesi

Profa.Dra. Luciane Sá de Andrade

Profa.Dra. Marlene Fagundes Carvalho Gonçalves


4 ) Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Drug

Studies on psychoactive substances in the macro and micro-social context as a complex and multifactorial phenomenon; prevention, treatment and social reinsertion; public policies and service for drug and alcohol users (planning, implementation and evaluation); education and training of health professionals.

Accredited Advisors:

Prof.Dr. Carlos Renato Tirapelli

Profa.Dra. Edilaine Cristina da Silva G. Donato

Profa.Dra. Jacqueline de Souza

Profa.Dra. Margarita Antonia Villar Luis

Profa.Dra. Sandra Cristina Pillon


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