
Undergraduate Committee »

  • General information
      Undergraduate Committee
    • President
      Profa. Dra. Ana Maria Laus
    • Vice-president
      Profa. Dra. Rosangela Andrade Aukar de Camargo
    • Secretary
      Adriana Brógio
    • Telephone
      +55 16 3315-3388
    • E-mail
The Undergraduate Committee is the body responsible for undergraduate teaching at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto, College of Nursing. 

Primary Competencies

    To ensure the implementation of programs in the field of undergraduate teaching;

    To propose the number of vacancies and curricular structure of the undergraduate courses;

    To continually promote and coordinate the analysis of the functioning of the School’s undergraduate courses;

    To propose criteria for transfers;

    To approve transfer processes complying with the established criteria;

    To approve requests for reactivating registration, indicating when appropriate, the necessary curricular adaptations;

    To approve requests for full or partial deferral of registration.

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