
Research Groups »
List (A-Z)

  • General information
    • President
      Prof. Dr. Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio
    • Vice-President
      Profa. Dra. Renata Karina Reis
    • Secretary
      Rosana Martins Farias de Oliveira
    • Telephone
      (16) 3315.3386
    • Fax
    • E-mail
  • » Biomarcadores na sepse, Monitorização Hemodinâmica e Prevenção de Infecção em UTI

    Mayra Gonçalves Menegueti

    Maria Auxiliadora-Martins


    Trata-se de grupo interdisciplinar de pesquisa em controle e prevenção de infecção em UTI estudando diversos aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos do combate à infecção. O grupo é constituído por professores da Divisão de Medicina Intensiva e da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (EERP), profissionais da Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar que trabalham em parceria no desenvolvimento de protocolos de pesquisa clínica.

    Research Lines:
    » Dynamics of the Organization of Health and Nursing Services
    » Health Disease Continuum and Epidemiology


  • » Center for Corneal Injury Prevention Research and Development (CeCIPReD) / Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento para Prevenção de Lesão na Córnea

    Leader:Patrícia Rezende do Prado


    O Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento para Prevenção de Lesão na Córnea é o primeiro a ser criado na região Latino-americana e tem o objetivo de contribuir com pesquisas e desenvolvimento de tecnologias e inovação para a prevenção de lesão na córnea. O Centro reúne pesquisadores e instituições para a translação do conhecimento científico e para formar e qualificar recursos humanos para atuar na prática avançada para a prevenção de lesão na córnea. Integra pesquisadores da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Agência USP de Inovação (AUSPIN), por meio da Startup Manish, Secretaria Estadual de Saúde do Acre (SESACRE), Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem em Terapia Intensiva (ABENTI) e pesquisadoras estrangeiras da Izmir Democracy University, da Turquia.

    Research Lines:
    » Theoretical, Methodological and Technological Foundation in the Nursing Care Process
    » Technology and Innovation in Nursing Education


  • » Center for Studies and Research Concerning Hospitals and Nursing

    Lucieli Dias Pedreschi Chaves

    Ana Maria Laus


    To deepen studies related to the management of nursing and management of health systems and services with an emphasis on human resources, management styles, production of health services, health costs, work process, focusing on highly complex/expensive hospital care according to the perspective of the Ministry of Health.

    Research Lines:
    » Dynamics of the Organization of Health and Nursing Services

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group’s studies have Impact on the field of Public Hospital Management and have produced theoretical-practical innovations from the perspective of co-management. The co-management perspective has enlarged the scope of the managerial work of nurses, placing them in a work dimension that includes interdisciplinary teamwork and integral health care. The knowledge produced has also had an impact on the field of Human Resources in Health in its axes of education and professional practice, creating possibilities for the work of Observatory of Human Resources in Health – PAHO-WHO researchers and in the National Program for the Reorientation of Professional Education in Health – Ministry of Health.

    » Faculdade de Enfermagem e Nutrição - UFG
    » Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde da UFSCAR - CCBS


  • » Health Education/Nursing Research Group

    Adriana Kátia Corrêa

    Maria Conceição Bernardo de Mello e Souza


    The object is to produce knowledge focused on the education of health and nursing professionals in the undergraduate and technical teaching levels, and on the educational practice of health promotion in primary education based on three lines of research: The Teaching of Undergraduate programs in nursing and health; Professional education in nursing and health; and Health Promotion in primary education. Such knowledge can be a basis for changes in teaching practice/ management of undergraduate and technical teaching and health promotion in primary education aiming to construct integral care in health and citizenship.

    Research Lines:
    » Health Education and Training of Human Resources


  • » Fisiologia da Inflamação Sistêmica

    Leader:Evelin Capellari Cárnio


    O objetivo maior do estudo consiste no controle da temperatura corporal e pressão arterial na sepse.


  • » Grupo de Altos Estudos de Avaliação de processos e práticas da Atenção Primária à Saúde e Enfermagem - GAAPS

    Profª Drª Ione Carvalho Pinto

    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio


    O propósito fundamental é oferecer suporte aos processos decisórios na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), subsidiando a identificação de problemas, avaliando o impacto destas práticas e auxiliando na reorientação das ações e serviços prestados à população, incluindo a prática da enfermagem. Para este fim, serão utilizadas ferramentas específicas como a epidemiologia e indicadores de desempenho em saúde.

    Research Lines:
    » Health Disease Continuum and Epidemiology
    » Health Practice, Knowledge and Policies

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Avaliar os sistemas, programas de serviços de saúde considerando o sinergismo entre os seus determinantes (estruturas, recursos humanos e processos) vinculados à política de saúde e ao estado de saúde, subsidiar o planejamento e a gestão do Sistema de Saúde; reordenar a execução das ações e serviços; redimensionar as necessidades da assistência; racionalizar os recursos e controla os custos e, finalmente, melhorar a resolutividade do Sistema de Saúde e a qualidade dos serviços, permitindo assim, evidenciar processos que permitam a coordenação de Redes pela APS.


  • » Rehabilitation of Surgical and Cancer Patients Study Group - GARPO

    Namie Okino Sawada

    Helena Megumi Sonobe


    The studies conducted by the group aim to support nursing care included in the National Policy of Oncological Care. The obtained results contribute to knowledge in the field of nursing intervention focused on surgical and cancer rehabilitation of those otomized for their survival (end) while also focusing on the rehabilitation of their family members’ quality of life (means), through physical and psychosocial actions. The studies follow distinct paradigms and methodologies. The following are highlighted: 1) studies seeking better evidence for care delivered to surgical and/or cancer patients; 2) studies with a quantitative approach in the validation of instruments, assessment of physical and psychosocial conditions and interventions; 3) studies with a social anthropological approach addressing the subjective experience of surviving surgery and cancer for ostomized patients and their family members. The education of human resources for intervening in rehabilitation has occurred through the introduction of scientific projects at the undergraduate level, and in Master’s and doctoral programs, as well as offering related courses in undergraduate and graduate programs. The researchers also coordinate extension groups caring for surgical, cancer and ostomized patients at different stages of survival, in which knowledge can be applied and evaluated.

    Research Lines:
    » Communication in Nursing
    » Health Education
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group is nationally and internationally acknowledged for studies developed in the field of the rehabilitation and quality of life of cancer patients and in the education of human resources with the Course of Specialization in Oncology that meets a local, regional, national and international demand. The studies’ designs include quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods of review with current and important topics in the field of oncology. The group has currently developed clinical trials, testing various types of intervention to improve the quality of life of patients undergoing cancer treatment and expects to keep developing clinical trials with more rigorous designs (randomized and controlled clinical trials) to produce more solid evidence. It has also dedicated itself to studies with an anthropological approach to develop a cultural model of survival for patients undergoing different cancer treatments, contributing to nursing interventions designed to begin addressing quality of life in rehabilitation.


  • » Prevention of the Harmful Use of Alcohol and/or Drugs Study Group – GRUPAD

    Leader:Sandra Cristina Pillon


    The GRUPAD seeks to develop studies in the field of scientific research, teaching, care and prevention of alcohol and other drug use among the diverse population’s groups. Such studies enable the identification of risk and protection factors, concepts, knowledge, abilities and changes of behavior in relation to the use of such psychoactive substances; the development of teaching and extension activities, guiding and referring more complex problems, as well as educating and/or training human resources to develop self-reproducing agents in the field. This group, as well as the development of such studies, will support the line of research “Use and Abuse of Drugs” in the Psychiatric Nursing and Human Sciences Department, encouraging the development of various studies in the field, increasingly helping the understanding of this phenomenon.

    Research Lines:
    » Mental Health Promotion
    » Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Studies are developed in the scope of prevention, care and teaching related to the topics:
    Drinking and Driving: seeking prevention;
    Spirituality among drug users;
    Use of alcohol and adolescents: risk and protection factors;
    Use of Alcohol among Elderly Individuals;
    Nursing Care provided to users of alcohol and other drugs;
    Follow-up studies in crack cocaine users.

    » University of Birmingham


  • » Grupo de Estudos do Comportamento Alimentar e Transtornos Alimentares-GeComTA

    Leader:Profa. Dra. Rosane Pilot Pessa


    Aprofundar o estudo, as pesquisas e intervenções que envolvem o comportamento alimentar da população visando a promoção da saúde física e mental bem como o aprimoramento da atenção nutricional às doenças que possam comprometer as atitudes alimentares saudáveis.

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Os trabalhos darão oportunidade de integração entre docentes e discentes da Universidade de São Paulo e de outras instituições do país e do exterior, a fim de construir espaços para discussão e divulgação da ciência.

    » Profª. Drª. Carolina Leonidas, Prof. Dr. Manoel Antônio dos Santos, Profª. Drª. Marina Garcia Manochio e Profª. Drª. Vivian Marques Miguel Suen


  • » Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Saúde Mental - GEPEMEN

    Leader:Edilaine Cristina da Silva Gherardi Donato


    O Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Saúde Mental - GEPEMEN - é formado por docentes, pesquisadores independentes, pós-graduandos, graduandos e profissionais. Tem por objetivo, desde sua constituição em 2009, conduzir estudos e pesquisas em saúde mental em múltiplas vertentes. Os projetos e estudos concluídos e em desenvolvimento pelo grupo estabelecem uma linha de convergência em torno da promoção de saúde mental, cujo repertório inclui estudos sobre o ensino, abordagens terapêuticas performáticas, cuidado ao cuidador e problemáticas específicas como estresse e uso de substâncias psicoativas.

    » Dra. Edna Idalia Paulina Navarro Oliva - ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS


  • » Research in Patient Safety Study Group

    Fernanda Raphael Escobar Gimenes

    Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh


    The group gathers researchers, graduate and undergraduate nursing students and nurses working in Health Services interested in the subject “Patient Safety” focusing on the medication system and pressure ulcers. The group develops studies to produce new knowledge and to promote the use of studies’ results and other evidence seeking to secure the safety of patients.

    Research Lines:
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The most evident national impact of the group, considering it is a young group, is its participation in the creation of the National Network for Nursing and Patient Safety and its participation in the International Network for Nursing and Patient Safety organized by the PAHO. Scientific publications of the group’s members put the group among the pioneers in the study of this subject in Brazil.
    Eight Brazilian states currently participate in the Brazilian Network for Nursing and Patient Safety and professionals from seven states are working on the processes of creating state networks. There are more than 300 nurses involved in the Network.

    » Universidade Estadual do Ceará
    » Universidade Federal de Goiás
    » Université Laval
    » Universidad de Salamanca
    » Universidade Paulista
    » Departamento de Ciências da Saúde e Educação Física - UFAC
    » Lakehead University
    » Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias de Campos Gerais
    » University of Agder


  • » Studies and Research in Communication in the Nursing Process Group – GEPECOPEN

    Simone de Godoy Costa

    Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes


    To investigate communication in the nursing process in the inter-personal, group or mass ranges, and at an institutional and investigational level.

    Research Lines:
    » Communication in Nursing


  • » Studies and Research Group in Nursing, Global Health, Law and Development – GEPESADES

    Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura

    Emanuele Seicenti de Brito


    To develop studies on the interfaces among nursing, global health, human rights and human development.
    To develop interdisciplinary research focusing on inter-relations among nursing, global health, human rights, and human development.
    To promote the integration of subjects studied and discussed by the group in undergraduate and graduate teaching in nursing and in other health and related fields.
    To promote strategies to disseminate and share knowledge with the community, generated by the group.

    Research Lines:
    » Studies on the Conduct, Ethics, and Production of Health Knowledge

    Repercussions of Group work:

    GEPESADES was formally certificated by the University of São Paulo and registered in the Directory of Research Groups in CNPq in July 2010. It is therefore in process of construction and consolidation.

    » University of Alberta


  • » Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Saúde das Mulheres - GMulheres

    Leader:Flávia Azevedo Gomes-Sponholz


    Promover discussões e reflexões e desenvolver pesquisas sobre a saúde da mulher em suas diversas questões atuais, por meio da qualificação e atualização profissional e pessoal.
    Produzir pesquisas que gerem conhecimento científico e produção científica de qualidade alinhada ao avanço da ciência na temática da mulher.
    Especificamente para os acadêmicos de enfermagem o objetivo do grupo é possibilitar a participação do aluno em atividades de estudos diferentes daquelas do dia a dia da sala de aula e dos campos de estágio.


  • » Grupo de Estudos em Cuidados Paliativos (GECUPA)

    Leader:Fabiana Bolela de Souza


    O grupo foi criado em setembro de 2018 e, mensalmente promove reuniões com duração aproximada de 1h30 com orientandos e outras pessoas interessadas na temática dos Cuidados Paliativos para a discussão de artigos científicos, apresentação de projetos de iniciação científica e mestrado e palestras ministradas por profissionais externos à USP, que atuam em cuidados paliativos. Em outubro de 2020 o grupo passou a contar com três pesquisadoras portuguesas, sendo duas delas, docentes da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa. Linha de Pesquisa: O cuidar de adultos e idosos


  • » Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Studies Group

    Jacqueline de Souza

    Toyoko Saeki


    To create a space for the study of this specialty, in aspects of mental health policies and more specifically on issues related to the deinstitutionalization; exchange experiences in the areas of teaching, research and extension.

    Research Lines:
    » Psychiatric Nursing: the Sick, the Disease, and Therapeutic Practices

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group maintains regular bimonthly meetings with the participation of students from both the nursing Bachelor’s program and the Teaching Diploma Program (those participating in scientific research); Master’s and doctoral students; professionals from mental health services (physicians, nutritionists, and nurses) and faculty members. In these meetings, the reading and discussion of books, scientific papers in the field, and also discussions concerning research projects of those participating in the groups were carried out in addition to watching and commenting on movies. During this period, the following were concluded: doctoral dissertation defense; master’s theses defense; and undergraduate research scholarship, which were submitted to publication in periodicals in the field and also enable continuing education of health professionals who maintain ties with the group. The group establishes contacts with faculty members of other universities in the country intended to reflect on the teaching of psychiatric nursing and mental health and the education of human resources in the field.


  • » Epidemiological-Operational Studies in Tuberculosis Group – GEOTB

    Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio

    Aline Aparecida Monroe


    To make the results of studies available in order to support the development, planning and execution of public policies in the control of tuberculosis; to contribute to the education of human resources for the development of research that addresses the evaluation of care delivery to tuberculosis patients; to evaluate the transfer of knowledge, practices and technologies for health services controlling tuberculosis; to evaluate the performance of care (diagnosis and treatment) of tuberculosis patients in the Primary Health Care Services.

    Research Lines:
    » Health Practice, Knowledge and Policies

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Development of work in the REDE – Brazilian Tuberculosis Research Network (REDE TB) with the participation or researchers and students from different universities, managers and professionals from health services at the federal, state and city levels, members from organized civil society, and national and international agencies, disseminating the results in networks and jointly with partners.

    » Pesquisadores da REDE-TB
    » Ministério da Saúde
    » Union Against Tuberculosis
    » Lung Disease
    » Projeto ICOHRTA
    » “Inovative approaches for Training in Clinical Operational and Health System Research for TB control in Brazil” - Johns Hopkins University


  • » Interdisciplinary Studies on Violence Group – GREIVI

    Zeyne Alves Pires Scherer

    Edson Arthur Scherer


    To promote health, prevent violence and assist in the rehabilitation of individuals, linking the knowledge and practice of diverse disciplines, facing the challenge of understanding the historical and dialectic roots of violence as well as to responding to them in an integrated and holistic manner.

    Research Lines:
    » Mental Health Promotion

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Published and forthcoming papers:
    - Interdisciplinary Studies on Violence Group (GREIVI): the construction of knowledge and practices. Rev. SPAGESP, v.9, n.1, p. 60-65, 2008.

    - Conceptions and experiences of incarcerated women concerning violence. Rev. Cogitare, v. 14, n. 3, p. 435-440, 2009

    - Socio-demographic profile and prison history of the incarcerated population of a women’s prison in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Rev. SMAD, 2011.

    - Female inmates and their experiences concerning violence in prison. Oralidades-Revista de História Oral (linked to the Center for the Study of Oral History at the University of São Paulo), 2011.

    Book Chapters

    - Violence from the perspective of incarcerated women. In: Sequeira, C.; Pinho, J.A.; Carvalho, J.C.; Sá, L.. (Org.). Saúde Mental e Equilíbrio Social. Maia - Portugal: SPESM, v. 01, p. 61-9, 2008.

    - Socio-demographic profile of the population of a female prison in the interior of São Paulo. In: Sequeira, C.; Pinho, J.A.; Carvalho, J.C.; Sá. L.. (Org.). Saúde Mental e Equilíbrio Social. Maia - Portugal: SPESM, v. 01, p. 109-18, 2008.

    Extension Projects:

    - Structured activities with primary school students: health promotion (Funding for Culture and University Extension). Ongoing.

    - The subjective dimension of violence manifested by primary school students in a group activity (IC, 2010). Ongoing.

    - Proposal for an undergraduate course – Psychiatric Nursing Program Violence and Mental Health in the school context (2nd semester 2011).


    - Socio-demographic profile of the incarcerated population of a women’s prison in the interior of São Paulo (IC-CNPq 2006) Concluded.

    - Study of the violence to which incarcerated women were exposed in their lives. (Regular Project FAPESP - 2007/07052-5) Concluded.

    - Violence from the perspective of incarcerated women. (IC-FAPESP; TCC 2008) Concluded.

    - Manifestation of violence in the university environment: the perspective of nursing students. (IC Santander 2010) Concluded.

    - Violence against children and adolescents in the context of primary health care. Ongoing.

    - Violence in the school context: academic experiences. Ongoing.

    - Activities with children and adolescents: resource for improving personal and social functioning. (Master). Ongoing.

    - Coping strategies among professionals from a deprivation of freedom institution for adolescents in conflict with the law. (Master). Ongoing.

    - The theme of violence in curricula of undergraduate nursing programs. (Master). Ongoing.

    - Violence against children and adolescents in the context of primary health care: knowledge, skills, and attitudes of health professionals. (Master- CAPES scholarship). Ongoing.

    - Psychological violence in adolescence and self-esteem. (Master). Ongoing.

    - The opinion of patients, family members and professionals concerning smoking habits in a psychiatric hospitalization unit of a general hospital. (Regular Project FAPESP - nº 2009/05907-9). Ongoing.

    - The opinion of patients concerning smoking habits in a psychiatric hospitalization unit of a general hospital. (IC CNPq, 2009). Concluded.

    - The opinion of patients concerning smoking habits in a psychiatric hospitalization sector of a state hospital. (IC CNPq, 2010) Ongoing.

    - Use of crack cocaine and associated factors: a follow-up study to evaluate care. Edital Universal – MCT/CNPq/CT-SAÚDE/MS/SCTIE/DECIT nº 41/2010. Line of Research Topic 1. Clinical characterization of crack cocaine users. Ongoing.

    » Universidade Fernando Pessoa - UFP


  • » Grupo de investigação em pesquisa experimental e translação para o cuidado em saúde - GIPET

    Angelita Maria Stabile

    Amanda Salles Margatho


    Fortalecer o aperfeiçoamento de pesquisadores de diferentes instituições universitárias, pós-graduandos, estudantes de graduação em enfermagem e enfermeiros que atuam nos Serviços de Saúde, no desenvolvimento de pesquisas experimentais e na transposição dos resultados oriundos de pesquisas para a prática do cuidado em saúde.

    Research Lines:
    » Theoretical, Methodological and Technological Foundation in the Nursing Care Process
    » Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of Care
    » Technology and Innovation in Nursing Care

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Espera-se que o grupo fortaleça o aperfeiçoamento de pesquisadores de diferentes instituições universitárias, pós-graduandos, estudantes de graduação em enfermagem e enfermeiros que atuam nos Serviços de Saúde, no desenvolvimento de pesquisas experimentais e na transposição dos resultados oriundos de pesquisas para a prática do cuidado em saúde. Os resultados dos estudos resultantes do trabalho do Grupo de Pesquisa serão divulgados, para a comunidade científica, por meio de artigos científicos de acesso aberto em periódicos de relevância e impacto, e em eventos científicos nacionais e internacionais. Para a comunidade em geral, os resultados serão divulgados por meio de recursos audiovisuais de livre acesso.

    » University of Washington


  • » Investigation in Rehabilitation and Quality of Life Group – GIRQ

    Rosana Aparecida Spadoti Dantas

    Carina Aparecida Marosti Dessotte


    To investigate the interfaces among the rehabilitation processes, quality of life and culture in people with chronic conditions, establishing principles of action and testing interventions in the fields of research and health care.

    Research Lines:
    » Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of Care
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group has sought to understand the constructs and validation of instruments, which enabled the development of projects aimed to the validation or nursing interventions.


  • » Grupo de Liderança, Gestão e Gerenciamento em Serviços de Saúde e Enfermagem - LIGGEN

    Profª Drª Andrea Bernardes

    Profª Drª Carmen Silvia Gabriel


    Produzir conhecimento na área de gestão/gerência dos serviços de saúde e de enfermagem, com enfoque em Gerenciamento da Qualidade, Educação Permanente e Liderança em Enfermagem e promover intercâmbio de pesquisadores.

    Research Lines:
    » Dynamics of the Organization of Health and Nursing Services

    Repercussions of Group work:

    O grupo tem como perspectiva o desenvolvimento de estudos relacionados a Modelos de Gestão e Gerência dos Serviços de Saúde e de Enfermagem que promovam mudanças e impactos na prática gerencial dos enfermeiros e de toda a equipe multiprofissional.

    » Profª Marcia Regina Antonietto da Costa Melo; Profª Yolanda Dora Martinez Évora; Profª Fernanda Ludmilla Rossi Rocha. - Docentes da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - EERP/USP
    » Profª Drª Renata Alessandra Evangelista - Docente da Universidade Federal de Goiás - Campus Catalão (CAC/UFG)
    » Profª Drª Maria do Carmo Haddad - Docente da Universidade Estadual de Londrina
    » Profª Drª Laura Misue Matsuda - Docente da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
    » Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Cecilio - Docente do Departamento de Medicina Preventiva da Unifesp
    » Profª Drª Greta G. Cummings - Professora Titular da Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade de Alberta – Canadá
    » University of Alberta - UALBERTA


  • » Grupo de Pesquisa - Ações Biológicas do Etanol

    Leader:Carlos Renato Tirapelli


    Embora nas últimas décadas o efeito do consumo de etanol e as conseqüências desse processo na saúde do indivíduo tenham sido amplamente estudados, muitos aspectos ainda permanecem obscuros, principalmente no que se refere aos mecanismos celulares envolvidos na fisiopatologia do etanol. O resultado conjunto de nosso trabalho contribui para um melhor entendimento dos eventos cardiovasculares que se seguem à ingestão crônica e aguda de etanol tanto nos aspectos referentes às conseqüências sobre a pressão arterial e reatividade vascular, como naqueles relativos à sinalização celular em resposta ao etanol. Publicações recentes do grupo: 1)Ethanol induces vascular relaxation via redox-sensitive and nitric oxide-dependent pathways. Vascul Pharmacol. 2012 Jan-Feb;56(1-2):74-83. 2) Ethanol consumption increases the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, inducible nitric oxide synthase and metalloproteinases in the rat kidney. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2012 Jan;64(1):68-76. 3) Ethanol consumption alters the expression and reactivity of adrenomedullin in the rat mesenteric arterial bed. Alcohol Alcohol. 2012 Jan-Feb;47(1):9-17. 4) Chronic ethanol consumption induces histopathological changes and increases nitric oxide generation in the rat liver. Tissue Cell. 2011 Dec;43(6):384-91. 5) Chronic ethanol consumption reduces adrenomedullin-induced relaxation in the isolated rat aorta. Alcohol. 2011 Dec;45(8):805-14. 6) Chronic alcoholism associated with diabetes impairs erectile function in rats. BJU Int. 2010 Jun;105(11):1592-7. 7) Ethanol-induced vasoconstriction is mediated via redox-sensitive cyclo-oxygenase-dependent mechanisms. Clin Sci (Lond). 2010 Mar 9;118(11):657-68.

    » Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - UAM
    » Institut de Pharmacologie - USherbrooke


  • » Grupo de Pesquisa - Universidade Saudável: Ciência, Saúde, Cidadania e Bem Estar

    Eugênia Velludo Veiga

    Maria Lucia do Carmo Cruz Robazzi


    Desenvolver pesquisas que permitam elaborar, implementar e avaliar um programa de promoção à saúde, prevenção de doenças e redução de agravos à comunidade da EERP/USP (trabalhadores docentes e não docentes e estudantes)com a finalidade de: ? Construir evidências científicas que contribuam com a produção do conhecimento em saúde e inovação; ? Identificar e avaliar fontes estressoras e desenvolver estratégias para o controle no ambiente de trabalho; ? Identificar as alterações de saúde; ? Apontar estratégias que possam contribuir com a melhoria na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e bem-estar; ? Implantar ações que visem um clima organizacional seguro e favorável ao bem estar e satisfação da comunidade; ? Criar espaços para desenvolvimneto de ações de educação em saúde; ? Implementar e avaliar ações de educação em saúde; ? Acompanhar os indicadores de saúde: qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, níveis de estresse e bem-estar.


  • » Research Group on Nursing and Diabetes Mellitus

    Carla Regina de Souza Teixeira

    Maria Lúcia Zanetti


    To recognize diabetes mellitus as a public health priority.
    To produce knowledge in the field of diabetes, in multidisciplinary group
    To promote a link among research, teaching, and extension program directed to the community in the field of diabetes.
    To promote the extracurricular integration of undergraduate students in nursing and from other programs with the group’s activities.
    To qualify nursing professionals to work in diabetes programs.
    To develop strategies to provide care to individuals with diabetes mellitus.

    Research Lines:
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases

    Repercussions of Group work:

    -The development of intervention research in the School Health Center of the City Health Department in Ribeirão Preto (SMS-RP)
    - The implementation of care directed to users with Diabetes Mellitus in the School Health Center from the (SMS-RP) using the Diabetes Care Model already offered in the Center of Nursing Education for Adults and Elderly Individuals

    » Faculdade de Medicina Ribeirão Preto – USP
    » Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - USP
    » Universidade Federal do Amapá
    » Universidade Federal do Ceará
    » Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto - SP
    » Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Passos – MG
    » Universidade de Kansas – até 2009


  • » Research Group in Nursing Care Provided to Children and Adolescents – GPECCA

    Lucila Castanheira Nascimento

    Luciana Mara Monti Fonseca


    To develop studies and research on the health-disease continuum and care provided to newborns, children, adolescents and their families at different level of health care; to promote a connection among research and teaching activities in the undergraduate and graduate programs and extension services developed in the community; and develop knowledge and technologies for nursing care provided to newborns, children and adolescents and their families.

    Research Lines:
    » Child and Adolescent Care

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group’s studies have greatly improved the education of human resources in health and national and international scientific production; achievement of academic and scientific grants; promotion of scientific events; fundraising in funding agencies, research productivity grants, aids to national and international exchanges programs in addition to a network among nursing professionals and researchers through the REDE ENSI (Red Internacional de Enfermería en Salud Infantil), evidencing the acknowledgement of group research members in the field of pediatric nursing, neonatal and health of children and adolescents.

    » EE-USP
    » FM-USP,
    » Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto
    » Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Ribeirão Preto
    » University of Alabama at Birmingham-School of Nursing
    » Universidade do Minho-Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança/CIEC
    » University of Quebec-Outauais-Canadá
    » University of British Columbia-School of Nursing - Vancouver-Canada
    » Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra-Portugal


  • » Research and Studies in Nursing Genomics Group – GEPEG

    Leader:Milena Jorge Simões Flória Lima Santos


    To generate and disseminate knowledge based on inter and multi-disciplinary research in genomics.

    Research Lines:
    » Child and Adolescent Care
    » Health Disease Continuum and Epidemiology
    » Genomics and Immunobiology Applied to the Public Health

    Repercussions of Group work:

    GEPEG contributes technical-scientific production financed by FAPESP and CNPq in collaboration with researchers from international and national universities in the field of genomics and immunobiology. It has collaborated in the education of human resources (Masters, Doctors and Post Doctors) with an emphasis on the integration of laboratorial practice in Molecular Biology with nursing care. One of its main Impact is the dissemination of studies and research concerning “Health Care Based on Genomics” promoting scientific knowledge in the field and the dissemination of its results through research, teaching and community extension.

    » Departamento de Genética, Departamento de Imunologia e Serviço de Oncologia Clínica HCFMRP/USP - Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/USP
    » City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center (COH), Department of Clinical Cancer Genetics - Duarte, CA, USA


  • » Grupo de Pesquisa Enfermagem, Comunicação e Ensino

    Profa. Dra. Cristina Mara Zamarioli

    Profa. Dra. Emilia Campos de Carvalho


    A presente proposta contempla as novas atividades, ampliadas e ajustadas à um novo olhar, do Grupo de Pesquisa Enfermagem e Comunicação encerrado em 2020. Busca integrar, por meio de análises, propostas e testes, três vertentes da profissão: 1) o propósito básico da Enfermagem e seus elementos, quais sejam o que os enfermeiros fazem (as intervenções em suas mais variadas concepções e cenários), com quais propósitos (resultados esperados e obtidos), perante os problemas ou situações das pessoas sob seus cuidados (diagnósticos de enfermagem); 2) a Comunicação, voltada para a obtenção de dados e manejo de situações clínicas ou educacionais, apoiada em seus distintos referenciais teóricos; 3) Ensino, aqui direcionado para formação de recursos humanos para a prática profissional e investigação. Para alcance de tais propósitos, apoiado na experiência de seus pesquisadores, busca intensificar o uso de novas tecnologias e produzir inovações, incluindo-se a produção científica.


  • » Nursing, Women and Health Research Group - GPEMS

    Marislei Sanches Panobianco

    Thais de Oliveira Gozzo


    To develop research designed to understand the woman and her health in different situations experienced over life, in addition to socio-political and cultural interactions with a view to establish principles of action in the fields of research, teaching and health care. It focuses on this group’s care, developing investigations concerning care provided to women in relation to reproductive health and illnesses processes.

    Research Lines:
    » Women’s Health Care in the Life Cycle

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The importance of the education of undergraduate and graduate students, nurses, and researchers at different levels is highlighted. Research has considered the interdisciplinary factor required for the understanding of phenomena related to women’s health and nursing. In this context, the group has sought the construction of thematic networks concerning violence, the improvement of fundraising in funding agencies that promote research, the creation of a critical mass of researchers with scientific production aligned with the advancement of scientific knowledge without losing sight of the social dimension.

    » Organização Pan-americana da Saúde (OPS)
    » Confederação Internacional das Parteiras (ICM)
    » Centros Colaboradores da OMS
    » Ministério da Saúde- Pacto Nacional pela Redução da Mortalidade Infantil no Nordeste e Amazônia Legal
    » Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto
    » Grupos da EERP-USP e Interinstitucionais- Grupo de Pesquisa Saúde e Gênero (FMRP-USP)
    » , Grupo de ensino e pesquisa e assistência primária a saúde escolar - PROASE
    » Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da FMRP-USP
    » Faculty of Nursing University of Alberta


  • » Interdisciplinary Research Group on Hypertension - GIPHA

    Eugênia Veludo Veiga

    Leila Maria Marchi Alves Ancheschi


    OPE develops research projects that seek to identify and evaluate methods and strategies for innovating care provided to individuals with cardiovascular disorders. To identify and reflect on issues related to indirect sphygmomanometry, hypertension, and clinical practice in the search for innovating care.
    To identify sources of error in the indirect measurement procedures among different professionals from the health field. Identify strategies to intervene in hypertensive patients.

    Research Lines:
    » Science and Technology in Nursing
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases

    » Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
    » Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto
    » Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto
    » Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia
    » Departamento de Enfermagem da EFOA
    » Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensão
    » Faculdade de Enfermagem da UNICAMP
    » Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá - Parque


  • » Evidence-Based Practice in Health Research Group

    Cristina Maria Galvão

    Renata Cristina de Campos P. Silveira


    The group’s main objective is the production of knowledge in health and nursing directed to the improvement of care provided to patients, whether in the solution of problems experienced in the daily routine of health services, in the implementation of effective interventions in clinical practice and/or in cost reduction. The development of review methods to produce sound evidence is also one of the group’s objectives, as well as conducting studies addressing strategies to transfer evidence to clinical practice to minimize the gap between knowledge produced through the development of research and the use of such results in practice.

    Research Lines:
    » Infectious Diseases: Problem and Coping Strategies
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group expects to incrementally increase research toward the improvement of clinical practice.

    » Prof. Dr. Alexander M Clark, Professor Associado - Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade de Alberta, Canadá
    » Profª. Drª. Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes - Universidade do Ceará
    » Prof. Dr. Edson Zangiacomi Martinez - Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto


  • » Health Measures Research Group – GPEMSA

    Leader:Claudia Benedita dos Santos


    The group’s primary goals are to translate, adapt, validate and develop measurement instruments in health concerning subjective constructs; develop and apply measures concerning objective constructs; make instruments available capable of producing valid and reliable measurements in health; conduct research using such instruments, producing results comparable among different population contexts; integrate cooperative programs with both Brazilian and international institutions to conduct research using measurement instruments that produce comparable data in health.

    Research Lines:
    » Health Disease Continuum and Epidemiology

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Human Resources related to the education of Master’s and doctoral students with funding from FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES. Qualification of students through the development of undergraduate research funded by FAPESP and CNPq and course completion papers are objectives; scientific production in national and international periodicals (Qualis A1, A2, B1 and B2). Post doctoral financing (CAPES-DAAD, process BEX134405-6) and sandwich doctorate program (CNPq-DAAD no 290117/2006-2) developed jointly with the University of Hamburgo-Eppendorf, Hamburgo, Germany.

    » Ambulatório de Endocrinologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP)
    » Ambulatório de Alergia Respiratória Infantil e Imunologia Pediátrica do HC-FMRP-USP
    » Hospital Infantil João Paulo II de Belo Horizonte – MG
    » Hospital de Base de Brasília - DF
    » Hospital da Universidade Católica de Brasília – DF
    » Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe de Curitiba – PR
    » Universidade Federal de São Luis do Maranhão (UFMA)
    » Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)
    » Universidade de Hamburgo-Eppendorf, Hamburgo – Alemanha
    » Universidade Michoacana San Nicholas de Hidalgo – México


  • » Grupo do LGBIO - Genômica e Imunobiologia

    Leader:Beatriz Rossetti Ferreira


    Desenvolver e testar uma vacina quimérica anticarrapatos a partir da seleção de antígenos relevantes presentes em transcriptomas de glândulas salivares de carrapatos. Melhorar a plataforma para caracterização imunopeptidômica de ligantes de complexo de histocompatibilidade principal de bovinos que já criamos, de forma a auxiliar a elaboração de outras vacinas para bovinos, pois acelera a seleção de antígenos relevantes.

    Repercussions of Group work:

    O grupo desenvolve uma vacina anticarrapatos tecnológica para bovinos. Uma vacina quimérica multicomponente recombinante baseada em epítopos de glândulas salivares de carrapatos Rhipicephalus microplus. Tal vacina pode reduzir o uso de substâncias tóxicas que são largamente empregadas para o controle de carrapatos e doenças transmitidas pelos mesmos. Assim, trata-se de uma forma sustentável e ambientalmente amigável para reduzir o parasitismo por ectoparasitas em bovinos. Trará mais saúde para a população humana por não contaminar o meio ambiente e os produtos de origem animal. Além disso, nossa pesquisa criando uma plataforma para caracterização imunopeptidômica de ligantes de complexo de histocompatibilidade principal de bovinos, irá auxiliar a elaboração de outras vacinas para bovinos, pois acelera a seleção de antígenos relevantes.


  • » Grupo Interdisciplinar em Vigilância em Saúde e Saúde Ambiental (GIVISA)

    Susana Segura Muñoz

    Sílvia Carla da Silva André Uehara


    O GIVISA desenvolve pesquisas sobre a situação em saúde no marco da vigilância em saúde e da saúde ambiental, vigilância em saúde de populações expostas a poluentes ambientais, ecotoxicologia e biomonitoramento ambiental, determinantes socioambientais no processo saúde-doença, agentes emergentes e reemergentes e fatores de resistência ambiental e APS com ênfase na ESF. Conta com pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação. Espera-se contribuir com a geração de conhecimento e a formação de profissionais aptos a participar de processos de tomada de decisão sobre a incorporação de novas tecnologias no âmbito da vigilância em saúde e saúde ambiental. O conhecimento científico oriundo do GIVISA pode subsidiar o planejamento das ações de diferentes esferas governamentais, especialmente no âmbito da APS e no monitoramento de condições ambientais. Parcerias: USP, UFSCar, UFAm, UFC, UFG, UFPA, UFTM, UFOPA, Universidade de Jaén (Espanha) e Universidade de Rovira e Virgili (Espanha).

    » Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro - UFTM
    » Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
    » Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC
    » Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCAR
    » Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará - UFOPA


  • » Studies and Research Group on the Use of Human Resources in Nursing – GEPURHEN

    Kelly Graziani Giacchero Vedana

    Adriana Inocenti Miasso


    To analyze the propitiatory forces of the bureaucratization of nurses’ work; nursing work dysfunction; establishing trends, strategies, technical divisions of work; and analyze and promote nursing leadership.

    Research Lines:
    » Psychiatric Nursing: the Sick, the Disease, and Therapeutic Practices
    » Society, Health and Nursing

    » Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde da UFMS - CCBS/UFMS
    » Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá (JAVERIANA)
    » University Of Guyana (U.GUYANA)
    » Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas - U.A.ZACATECAS
    » Conselho de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão - EFOA
    » Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde do Trairi - FACISA/UFRN
    » Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra - ESEnfC
    » Centro Universitário do Instituto de Ensino Superior COC - UNISEB
    » Campus Passos - IFSULDEMINAS


  • » Laboratory for Studies in Nursing Studies – LAESHE

    Luciana Barizon Luchesi

    Fernando Rocha Porto


    The Laboratory for Studies in Nursing History (LAESHE) has a history of partnership and involvement of the faculty members from the Psychiatric Nursing and Human Sciences Department (DEPCH) and the Laboratory of for in Nursing History (LAPHE-UNIRIO) –linked to research projects and extension activities— since 2006. The results of studies support, and at the same time, are constructed based on the course “Nursing History” at the EERP-USP and Alfredo Pinto Nursing School – UNIRIO and especially the Cultural Dissemination course “Introduction to Research Methodology in Nursing History” in partnership between the DEPCH and LAPHE hosted by the EERP-USP but with segment of classes in Rio de Janeiro. The Laboratory gathers researchers and graduate students from the fields of Nursing, Computer and Documentation Sciences, especially undergraduate students beginning scientific research, undergraduate students with scientific research scholarship, Technical Training/FAPESP or volunteers. Hence, the Laboratory for Studies in Nursing History (LAESHE) values interdisciplinary dialogue between researchers from the fields of History, Nursing and related fields to enable the exchange of experiences, ideologies and methodologies.

    Research Lines:
    » Studies on the Conduct, Ethics, and Production of Health Knowledge

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The studies with joint authorship by the group’s researchers are orally presented or are also presented in the form of posters in the international and national scopes (Brazil, Canada, England, Portugal, and Spain among others), which enables contact with researchers from other countries. Such information is shared at a national level, since seven of the eight researchers of the group are members of the Brazilian Academy of Nursing History. The group’s mission is to contribute to the advancement of research in Brazilian Nursing History.

    » Pesquisadores - Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto-USP
    » Escola de Enfermagem - USP
    » Escola de Enfermagem Alfredo Pinto da UNIRIO
    » Dra. Pauline Paul - Faculty of Nursing da University of Toronto


  • » Laboratório de Pesquisas em Gestão de Pessoas e Competências Profissionais

    Leader:Silvia Helena Henriques


    Os pesquisadores do grupo tem desenvolvido trabalhos e publicado artigos em periódicos indexados nas principais bases de dados da BVS. Os projetos de pesquisas desenvolvidos estão diretamente relacionados às linhas de pesquisa deste Grupo.

    Research Lines:
    » Technology and Innovation in Health and Nursing Management

    » Profa. Dra. Verónica Coutinho - Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra


  • » Center for Aids and Sexually Transmitted Diseases – NAIDST

    Elucir Gir

    Renata Karina Reis


    To develop research concerning the theme “Sexually Transmissible Diseases/AIDS”

    Research Lines:
    » Infectious Diseases: Problem and Coping Strategies

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Visibility of its members, improved nursing care, participation of its members in committees and groups at the city, state and federal levels.

    » Prof. Dr. William Sorensen - The University of Texas at Tyler


  • » Center for Studies on Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Services – NEPECISS

    Denise de Andrade

    Evandro Watanabe


    To analyze the issue of infection related to health care from the perspectives of the multi-cause triad agent/host/environment, as well as to reflect on the following challenges: microbial multi-resistance; biofilm formation, antimicrobial measures (cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, antibiotics), biomaterial, epidemiological surveillance processes; national and international law; hand washing, handling and reprocessing of material; and promote an understanding of the individual from the social-cognitive view.

    Research Lines:
    » Infectious Diseases: Problem and Coping Strategies

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The Center for Studies on Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Services
    (NEPECISS) is a group composed of undergraduate and graduate students, health professionals, and university professors in various fields of knowledge. Its main goal is to analyze and reflect on aspects related to hospital-acquired infections and propose feasible, scientifically based interventions. We also expect to support understanding concerning the relevance of surveillance measures, measures of prevention and control in the face of this important public health problem. It is worth noting that the effective control of infection in Health Services is the main indicator of the quality of hospital care and represents a social and economic challenge worldwide. In this context, the following objectives are included in the group’s proposal: - To analyze the issue of infections in health services from a multi-cause view focusing on the triad agent/host/environment; -to discuss and analyze the epidemiological surveillance process of infections in health services; -To evaluate the knowledge, behavior and attitudes of health professionals; - To discuss and analyze the laws(s) that regulates the practice of infection control in the health services; - To analyze and reflect on antimicrobial measures (use of antibiotics, disinfection procedures, cleaning, fumigation, and sterilization); - Understand the development of strains multi-resistance.

    » Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto – USP
    » Instituto de Química de São Carlos – USP
    » Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná
    » Universidade Federal de Goiás
    » Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
    » Hospital Doutor Anísio Figueiredo - Londrina
    » Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
    » Universidade Federal do Piauí
    » Fundação Civil Casa de Misericórdia de Franca
    » Instituto Adolfo Lutz - Ribeirão Preto
    » Laboratório de Ciência e Engenharia de Biofilmes - Departamento de Engenharia Biológica da Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
    » Center for Biofilm Engineering - Bozeman, Montana, EUA


  • » Center for Research on Health and Work – NUESAT

    Maria Helena Palucci Marziale

    Maria do Carmo Cruz Robazzi


    To develop studies intended to detect the influence of labor, and the conditions under which it is performed, on the health of workers, contribute to the development of actions promoting health and that prevent occupational diseases.

    Research Lines:
    » Occupational Health

    » Centro de Ciências da Saúde - UFPI


  • » Center for Studies, Teaching, and Research in the Primary School Health Care Program – PROASE

    Maria das Graças Bonfim de Carvalho

    Marta Angélica Iossi Silva


    To promote the construction of knowledge in the field of Child and Adolescent Education and Health through the education and qualification of researchers and human resources with inter-disciplinary, multi-professional and Inter-sector emphases, also focusing on undergraduate and graduate teaching, and extension projects developed with the community

    Research Lines:
    » Child and Adolescent Care

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The Center for Studies, Teaching, and Research in the Primary School Health Care Program – PROASE is a result of an extension program work developed with the community and which enabled the implementation of a School Health Program with Primary Schools in Ribeirão Preto in 1985. Since its implementation, it has contributed to undergraduate and graduate teaching, development of research and strengthening of lines of research “Child and Adolescent Care” and “Society, Health and Nursing”. The group of researchers, which has a multi-disciplinary and multi-professional nature, has dedicated itself to the development of investigation mainly related to the themes of domestic violence, institutional violence, support networks, health education and promotion, with projects financed by FAPESP and CNPq, broadening the field of research to the family, health and education institutions, shelters, Child Protection Council, among others. The group has significant technical-scientific production, which also includes researchers from other national and international universities and professionals from different services directed to the care provided to children and adolescents.

    » Observatório de Violências da Universidade Federal de Rondônia - CNPq
    » Núcleo de Educação em Saúde - FAMERP
    » Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre Violência da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS
    » Grupo de Estudos Qualitativos em Saúde e Enfermagem - NEQUASE (FEN/UFG)
    » Secretarias Municipais e Estaduais da Saúde, Educação e Assistência Social
    » (O) Usar é Ser Laço Branco - Coimbra (Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra - ESEnfC)
    » Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança - CIEC-Universidade do Minho/Braga-Portugal.


  • » Research Center of Geriatric and Gerontology Nursing – NUPEGG

    Luciana Kusumota

    Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues


    To identify the lifestyles and factors that characterize the environment and cultural context of a group of elderly women; the health problems and disorders that most frequently affect elderly women; select and implement educational strategies focused on the promotion of health and prevention of diseases and/or disorders of elderly women.

    Research Lines:
    » Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic-Degenerative Diseases
    » Heath of the Elderly

    » Em processo de renovação


  • » Núcleo de Pesquisa e Atenção em Reabilitação Neuropsicomotora - NEUROREHAB

    Leader:Fabiana Faleiros Castro


    Desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa e tecnologia assistiva para pessoas com deficiência. - Formação de pesquisadores para a área de reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência. - Organização e participação de eventos na área de reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência. - Divulgação dos estudos do GP em eventos científicos e periódicos nacionais e internacionais reconhecidos pela comunidade científica. - Cooperação internacional com os parceiros atuais e formação de novos convênios. - Envio e recebimento de pesquisadores e alunos de intercâmbio internacional e nacional. - Submissão de projetos para agências de fomento e para bolsas de estudos de iniciação científica e pós-graduação.

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Criado em 2014, Núcleo de Pesquisa e Atenção em Reabilitação Neuropsicomotora - Neurorehab, visa a o desenvolvimento de estudos, tecnologia e atividades de extensão na área de reabilitação, tendo como meta maximizar a autonomia e a participação de pessoas com deficiência na sociedade. O núcleo é sediado na EERP - USP, possui cooperação com instituições nacionais (UFSC, UFPA, UFMG, UFC) e internacionais (Faculdade de Ciências da Reabilitação da Universidade de Dortmund na Alemanha , Universidade de Michigan nos Estados Unidos e Universidades Portuguesas (Santa Maria, Évora, Porto e Coimbra) e conta com a participação de professores, alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, além de pessoas com deficiência e seus familiares.


  • » Center for Studies and Research in Collective Health -NUPESCO

    Silvia Matumoto

    Cinira Magali Fortuna


    To prepare researchers in the field of collective health including inter-disciplinary and multi-professional issues highlighting nursing practice.

    Research Lines:
    » Health Practice, Knowledge and Policies

    Repercussions of Group work:

    The group’s greatest contribution has been the production of knowledge in this field. Such knowledge is related to: a) Policy and process of decentralization of health at a municipal level. These studies have made it possible to demonstrate specificities and diversity in the constitution and implementation of local health policies and the importance of studying concrete realities; b) Technological organization and management of health practices in the primary health care. NUPESCO’s theoretical-methodological foundation is the health work process and the micro space of health practices. It studies live work in action, which enables subjective action with certain autonomy. Within this theme, NUPESCO also conducts studies on teamwork, welcome/reception in health and communication in health; c) nursing work that is taken as a social practice and is connected to other work in the fields of health and social and health policies. All this production has contributed to the improvement of SUS, strengthening Primary Health Care and health services in the health network in different locations in the region and in the country.

    » Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo - Departamento Regional de Saúde III de Araraquara
    » Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo - Departamento Regional de Saúde XIII de Ribeirão Preto
    » Departamento de Comunicação da University of New Hampshire


  • » Center for Studies on Psychiatric Disorders: Care and Research – NUDPAS

    Leader:Margarita Antonia Villar Luis


    To analyze mental health care in the context of current public policies at national and international levels. Studies focusing on care practices and psychosocial rehabilitation of mental patients and of dependents of psychoactive substances; critical and intervention perspectives. Studies addressing quality of life and the understanding of meanings of psychiatric suffering; addressing psychoactive substances in their macro and micro-social aspects while complex and multi-factorial phenomena. Proposals to implement mental health practices in specific populations in the scope of prevention, treatment and social re-inclusion; public policies and services to care for alcohol and drug users (planning, implementation and evaluation); education and qualification of health professionals in the mental health field.

    Research Lines:
    » Psychiatric Nursing: the Sick, the Disease, and Therapeutic Practices
    » Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs

    Repercussions of Group work:

    • A creative spirit, and especially a scientific curiosity, is always present in the genesis of a research group. It was not different when the idea to create this group emerged. Such an interest began with the experience as a professor working in an emergency service; a place of many studies because there was much to investigate concerning the service’s users and the nursing team (knowledge and stereotype), among others. It is a context where the inertia of the health system in relation to referring patients to other services and a lack of family support is evident. Mental health actions or care in the community, alcohol and drugs, and urgent psychiatric situations were emergent themes in practice as a professional and faculty member. The difficulty in choosing a single theme arises from the tie existent among them: the use of alcohol and drugs appears both in hospital and community services and in the diverse groups of the population. Undergraduate and graduate students participate in investigation in these themes, which are published or presented in national and international scientific events and originate from the relationship established with practice contexts. Hence, a body of knowledge, essential for the creation of a research group, was consolidated. Over the years, nurse and non-nurse researchers remain the group, participating in research and professional qualification. Graduate students form Brazil and Mexico have sought the Graduate Program in Psychiatric Nursing given the line of research addressing alcohol and drugs that was initiated by this group. It was also our initiative to create the SMAD – Electronic Journal on Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs, a thematic journal already acknowledged in the mental health, alcohol and drugs fields. This enterprise was supported by other faculty members from the DEPCH.

    » Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México
    » Facultad de Enfermería de Minatitlán Universidad Veracruzana, México
    » Universidad Nacional “Pedro Ruiz Gallo”, Peru
    » Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela
    » Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
    » Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade de Nova York


  • » ORÍ - Laboratório de Pesquisa em Psicologia, Saúde e Sociedade

    Leader:Fabio Scorsolini-Comin


    O objetivo do ORÍ é produzir e divulgar conhecimentos científicos no campo de interface entre Psicologia e Enfermagem, em temáticas voltadas à saúde mental, à religiosidade/espiritualidade e a investigações nos contextos de religiões afro-brasileiras.

    Research Lines:
    » Mental Health Promotion

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Este grupo de pesquisa, criado em 2018, tem como marco o ingresso do pesquisador responsável no Departamento de Enfermagem Psiquiátrica e Ciências Humanas da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, dando continuidade a estudos anteriormente desenvolvidos junto ao PROSA (Laboratório de Investigações sobre Práticas Dialógicas e Relacionamentos Interpessoais, UFTM/CNPq). As produções decorrentes dos estudos realizados pelo atual grupo têm sido veiculadas em diversas revistas científicas, reafirmando o compromisso com a divulgação do conhecimento científico.

    » Profa. Dra. Alice Costa Macedo
    » Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia
    » Prof. Dr. Lucas Pereira de Melo


  • » PRÓ FAMÍLIA: Núcleo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Intervenção Familiar

    Leader:Sueli Aparecida Frari Galera


    Contribuir para o desenvolvimento e produção de conhecimento no cuidado a família que vivencia uma experiência de saúde difícil e promover o desenvolvimento de estratégias que facilitem a apropriação do conhecimento sobre o cuidado às famílias por enfermeiras e outros profissionais assistências.


  • » Saúde na Educação Básica e Abordagem Histórico-Cultural - SEBAHC

    Luciane Sa de Andrade

    Marlene Fagundes Carvalho Gonçalves


    As pesquisadoras líderes do grupo têm seus orientandos voltados para a temática proposta e os objetivos do Grupo vão na direção de fortalecer as pesquisas na área, apresentando produções científicas decorrentes dos trabalhos no período (previsão de conclusão de ao menos 4 doutorados e 6 mestrados) e captar recursos de ao menos dois projetos financiados por órgãos de fomento.

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Este grupo, surgido originalmente na área de Enfermagem com a proposta de Promoção da Saúde na Educação Básica, expandiu-se e hoje volta-se para a produção de conhecimentos na área de saúde/enfermagem na educação básica. Desenvolve estudos e pesquisas sobre processos de ensino e aprendizagem, no trabalho coletivo, envolvendo práticas educativas, desenvolvidas no contexto escolar e/ou comunitário, sobre a temática saúde. Pauta-se no conceito ampliado de saúde, que considera os determinantes sociais. Enfocando relações entre teoria e método, fundamenta-se na teoria histórico-cultural com ênfase nas contribuições de Vigotski, Luria e Leontiev, na perspectiva de que o sujeito se constitui a partir do processo de apropriação cultural, por meio das interações sociais.

    » Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda
    » Universidade Federal de Alfenas


  • » TRAMAS - Laboratório de Pesquisas Sociais em Saúde

    Leader:Lucas Pereira de Melo


    aboratório de Pesquisas Sociais em Saúde e Enfermagem tem por objetivo a produção de estudos e pesquisas com forte integração com as áreas de ensino e de extensão universitária no âmbito das Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde e em Enfermagem.

    Repercussions of Group work:

    Laboratório de Pesquisas Sociais em Saúde e Enfermagem tem por objetivo a produção de estudos e pesquisas com forte integração com as áreas de ensino e de extensão universitária no âmbito das Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde e em Enfermagem. Dessa maneira, o trabalho deste Laboratório envolverá temáticas relativas aos saberes, às práticas e às experiências de pessoas e grupos sociais específicos sobre o processo saúde-doença-cuidado. Nessa perspectiva, a saúde e a doença serão compreendidas como realidades bioculturais e físico-morais, de maneira que privilegiará o estudo das formas próprias e variadas por meio das quais as pessoas produzem sentidos, ações e práticas de mediação no âmbito dos sistemas culturais de saúde em sociedades complexas. Com isso, pretende-se contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas e de práticas de atenção à saúde sensíveis às necessidades dessas pessoas e que considerem seus contextos de vida, de trabalho e de relações sociais diversas.

    » Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
    » Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



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