
Post Doctorate »
Conditions and Requirements

  • General information
    • President
      Prof. Dr. Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio
    • Vice-President
      Profa. Dra. Renata Karina Reis
    • Telephone
      (16) 3315.3386
    • Fax
      Rosana M. Farias de Oliveira
    • E-mail

1) Concerning the postdoctoral candidate

- The candidate must have a doctorate obtained either in Brazil or abroad.
- If the candidate has a scholarship approved from a funding agency, s/he must dedicate full-time to the scheduled activities.
- If the candidate has a professional/job contract, s/he must present leave permission from the institution of origin, with or without pay.

2) Concerning the Supervisor
- The supervisor must have a doctorate and also competency and productivity in research in the field of the presented project, demonstrated in his/her résumé. 
- The supervisor must not have a close relationship of kinship with the postdoc. Such a relationship may be a potential conflict of interest, compromising the essential perception of impartiality in the analysis of qualifications and performance of the postdoctoral candidate. 

3) Concerning the application:
- The application must describe the contribution of the proposed project and the contribution of the candidate’s previous background to the group in which the postdoctoral program will occur.


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