
Departments »
General and Specialized Nursing

  • General information
    • Head
      Profa. Dra. Cristina Maria Galvão
    • Deputy Head
      Profa. Dra. Carmen Silvia Gabriel
    • Secretary
      Eva Aparecida Adlero da Silva
    • Telephone
      16 3315-3398
    • E-mail

The Department of General and Specialized Nursing, established on March 12th, 1970, develops Undergraduate and Graduate (Master’s and PhDs) teaching, aims to promote the advancement of science, education, health practice and community extension services in the Nursing area of its reach. It contemplates seven Areas of Knowledge: Nursing Fundamentals, Clinical Nursing, Surgical Nursing, Management applied to Nursing, Health Education, Occupational Health and Geriatric and Gerontology Nursing.

The Department’s vision is to be a national and Latin American reference of excellence in Undergraduate and Graduate education and Research in the areas of Clinical Nursing and Interdisciplinary Care to Adults and the Elderly in Health and Illness. Its vocation is to train a general nurse with technical-scientific, political and ethical competencies for interdisciplinary action predominantly in secondary and tertiary level of health care to adults and the elderly.

The Department is responsible for 58 undergraduate courses, 31 in the Bachelor’s Degree and 27 in the Bachelor’s Degree with Teaching Diploma in Nursing. In the Latu Sensu Graduate Studies, it offers Specialization programs in Oncology, Infection Prevention and Control in Health Services, Pedagogical training in Professional Nursing Education, Occupational Health and Workers’ Health.

To attain its objectives and goals the Department has 43 professors, 08 Laboratory Specialists, 01 RN and the administrative staff with 03 Secretaries and 02 Administrative Auxiliaries. These human resources coordinate and participate in several research groups and predominantly teach courses in the Fundamental Nursing Graduate Program and the Interunit Doctoral Program in Nursing that contemplate the following lines of research: Health Education; Care Process of Adults with Acute and Chronic Degenerative Diseases; Communication in Nursing; Occupational Health; Health of the Elderly; Infectious diseases: Problems and Coping Strategies; Dynamics of the Organization of Health and Nursing Services; Theoretical, Methodological and Technological Foundations in the Nursing Care Process; Science and Technology in Nursing, that currently produce a substantial number of publications in national and international journals, books and teaching materials.

Department Council



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